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The angel said to them,
"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy
that will be for all the people. Today in the town of
David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2 verses 10-11
Away in a manger,
No crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus
Lay down his sweet head;
The stars in the bright sky
Looked down where He lay-
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay.
For Christians all over the world, Christmas is an important, happy holiday. It is the day that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, about two thousand years ago. Christmas is a short form of Christ's Mass, an old name for this day. It means a mass, or church service, in honor of Christ.
Many Christmas customs are based on the birth of Christ. People give each other presents because the Three Wise Men, or Three Kings, brought presents to the baby Jesus. Christians sing songs, called carols, that tell about Christ's birth. And they put up scenes (creche) of Jesus' birth, with figures of shepherds, the Three Kings, and animals around the tiny baby. A creche is a model of a stable where Christ was born.
© 1998,1999 ~ Nancy Alison ~
"Away In A Manager"